About our Troop


The purpose of the Boy Scouts of America, incorporated on February 8, 1910, and chartered by Congress in 1916, is to provide an educational program for boys and young adults to build character, to train in the responsibilities of participating citizenship, and to develop personal fitness.


Regular troop meetings are held on Monday nights, September through June, from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM at the Troy Fire Station #4, 2117 E Maple Rd, Troy, MI 48083

Patrol Leaders’ Council (PLC) Meetings are held as needed on Monday evenings from 6:30 PM to 7:00 PM, directly before the troop meeting (Usually the week of an outing).

Troop Committee meetings are held every 2 – 3 months, and as deemed necessary by the Committee Chairman or Scoutmaster.  Meetings are typically held from 7:00 to 9:00 PM.  Committee meetings are open to all adult leaders and parents/guardians of boys in the troop.

Membership Requirements

Previous experience as a Cub Scout is NOT required. Youth membership is open to boys under 18 years of age and:

  • have completed the FIFTH grade


  • are at least 11 years of age


  • have completed the Arrow of Light in Cub Scouts

Adult membership is open to those 18 years of age and older.

To become a member:

  1. Acquire an application from the troop Scoutmaster.
  2. Complete the form and have it signed by a parent or guardian.
  3. Return the form to the Scoutmaster with the appropriate application fee.


BSA Dues are $175.00 per scout by the end of October. There is a $10 late fee if paid late. (2024/2025 dues, subject to change).  This covers the cost of registration with the Boy Scouts of America and advancement award patches. A subscription to Boy’s Life magazine is an additional $15 if requested.
Troop Dues can be covered by fundraising or paying a $75 fee by December 1st.

Monthly outings cost approximately $30.00 each to cover food and campsite costs for a weekend.  Actual cost will vary according to duration and location of each outing.

Dues can be paid by check payable to Troop 1705, or Venmo – troop1705


In accordance with the Boy Scouts of America, Troop 1705 is structured as a “boy run, adult led” organization.  Scouts are encouraged to accept significantly greater responsibilities within their troop and community as they progress through the ranks of Scouting.  Scouts are also encouraged to plan their schedule within the guidelines of monthly Scouting themes that allow the Scout to experience many of the activities fundamental to Scouting such as:

  • Camping
  • Cooking
  • First Aid
  • Survival
  • Citizenship
  • Leadership
  • Forestry
  • Hobbies
  • Communications
  • Ecology
  • Physical Fitness

Patrol Method:

The Patrol Method gives Scouts an experience in group participation, and places a certain amount of responsibility on young shoulders while teaching the boys how to accept it.  A patrol is a group of 8 to 12 Scouts who work together.  Each patrol elects, from within its own ranks, a leader; referred to as the Patrol Leader.  The Patrol Leader then selects an Assistant Patrol Leader to help him.  Together, the patrol members are responsible for everything that takes place within the patrol.  They are all responsible for the actions of each other, as well as maintaining all Patrol equipment.

Junior Leadership:

Scouts also hold junior leadership positions to help the patrols function together as a unit.  Leadership positions are required for advancement to higher ranks.  The following positions are available within Troop 1705:

  • Junior Assistant Scoutmaster
  • Senior Patrol Leader
  • Assistant Senior Patrol Leader
  • Patrol Leader
  • Assistant Patrol Leader
  • Quartermaster
  • Scribe
  • Historian
  • Librarian
  • Chaplain Aide
  • Troop Guide
  • Den Chief
  • Order of the Arrow Troop Representative

Adult volunteers (Scoutmaster, Assistant Scoutmasters, and Committee Members) provide training, guidance, supervision, record-keeping and long-range planning for the troop.


The following code of conduct applies to ALL members of Troop 1705, Scouts and Scouters (adult leaders) alike.

  • The Scout Oath will be my guide throughout my life.
  • I will set a good example by keeping myself neatly dressed and presentable.  I will enthusiastically wear the scout uniform correctly.
  • I will respect the opinion of others and actively participate as a member of my patrol and troop.
  • I will be responsible for keeping my tent and personal gear labeled, clean and neat.  I will do my share to prevent littering wherever my troop is present.
  • Hazing has no place in Scouting.  Nor does running the gauntlet, belt lines, or similar physical punishment.  I must prevent, to the best of my ability, all youth from being “initiated” into the troop with a hazing activity.
  • A Scout does not cheat, steal, swear, fight or participate in the use of illegal drugs, tobacco, or alcohol.  Nor does a Scout tolerate others who violate this behavior.

Hands-Off Policy:

Scouts will keep their hands to themselves to ensure the safety and privacy of all Scouts.  All Scouts and adult leaders must refrain from making any physical contact with one another, or another’s possessions, without first receiving permission.

The Buddy System:

All Scouts are required to utilize the Buddy System during all Scouting activities and outings.  No Scout should undertake any activity, or go anywhere, by himself.  Additionally, adult leaders shall maintain two-deep leadership whenever possible.  This is for the protection of the Scouts as well as the adult leaders.

Starting Fires:

Due to the serious nature of fire management, no Scout will be allowed to light or maintain an open fire until being trained in the proper procedures and being issued a Fireman Card.  This card must be in the possession of the Scout at the time he is participating in any fire management activity.  If a Scout should lose his card, he must retake the fire management training to obtain a new one.

Using Knives and Saws:

The use of knives and saws is a privilege, NOT a right.  No Scout will be allowed to utilize either a knife or saw until being trained in their proper use and being issued a Totin’ Chip Card.  This card must be in the possession of the Scout at the time that he uses either a knife or saw.  If the Scout loses his card, he must retake the necessary training to obtain a new one.

Alcohol and Illegal Drugs:

The use of alcohol or illegal drugs is prohibited at any Scout function.  This rule applies to all Scouts and adults.

Tobacco Usage:

The use of tobacco products by Scouts is prohibited at any Scout function.  Adult use of tobacco products is to be confined to times and places that Scouts are not present.

Ground Rules:

Scouts and Scouters in Troop 1705 are expected to apply the following guidelines to their behavior during all Scouting activities.

  1. Follow the Scout Oath and the Scout Law.  It is a way of life not something turned on and off.
  2. Use good language at all times.  Do Not use profanity or vulgar slang words.  Also, Do Not call people names.  (A Scout is reverent!  A Scout is kind!  &  A Scout is courteous!)
  3. Keep cool.  Count to 10 before doing or saying anything in anger.  (A Scout is friendly!)
  4. Respect other people, their property, troop property and camp property.  (A Scout is obedient!  A Scout is kind!  &  A Scout is courteous!)
  5. One person speaks at a time.  (A Scout is courteous!)
  6. Listen and participate.  Be respectful of others and make it a team effort.  (A Scout is courteous!  A Scout does his best!  &  A Scout does his duty!)
  7. No interrupting.  (A Scout is courteous!)
  8. Talk about the issue, not the person(s).  The unacceptable behavior or action is the issue not the individual.  (A Scout is helpful!  &  A Scout is friendly!)
  9. Demonstrate good sportsmanship.  Do not boast about your own deeds and/or put down others. (A Scout is kind!  &  A Scout is Friendly!)
  10. No cheating.  (A scout is trustworthy!)
  11. Keep your hands to yourself.  Do Not hit, push, bump or shove others even in fun or as a joke.  Do Not touch, move, consume or use someone else’s things without their permission.
  12. Don’t be late for Scouting functions.  (A Scout is courteous!  A Scout does his best!  &  A Scout does his duty!)
  13. During outings, respect the “quiet time” between lights out and wake up time.  (A Scout is courteous!)
  14. Don’t be late for work duties during any Scouting function.  (A Scout is courteous!  A Scout does his best!  &  A Scout does his duty!)
  15. No throwing of any object while on any Scout activity unless permitted.  (A Scout is courteous!  A Scout does his kind!  &  A Scout is obedient!)


If a scout has difficulty following the behavior guidelines described above and becomes disruptive, they will be subject to the following consequences:

  • First Offense: Verbal Warning.
  • Second Offense: Scout will be separated from others (time-out).
  • Third Offense: Write a 150 word essay on the part of the on the applicable part of the Scout Oath/Law.
  • Fourth Offense: Attend a Patrol Leader’s Council Meeting to discuss the behavior/solution.
  • Fifth Offense: Attend a Board of Review.  Scout will be barred from all Scout activities until completed.


Troop 1705 utilizes three types of uniforms:

Class A (Field Uniform) – For Troop Meetings and Traveling:

  • BSA Short or Long Sleeve Shirt with the following patches that have been earned:
  1. Troop 1705 Numbers
  2. Patrol Patch
  3. Rank Patch
  4. Leadership Position
  5. World Crest
  6. Recruiter Strip
  7. Detroit Area Council Patch
  8. Arrow of Light
  9. Order of the Arrow Pocket Patch
  10. Den Chief Cord
  • BSA Long or Short Pants
  • BSA Hat or other Scouting hat
  • BSA Belt, Socks, and Neckerchief  (NOTE: Scouts achieving Star rank may wear a BSA bolo tie in place of their neckerchief.)

Super Class A – For Courts of Honor and Other Special Occasions:

  • Class A as above
  • Merit Badge Sash, Optional
  • Order of the Arrow Sash, Optional (NOTE: Merit Badge Sash must be worn on belt if O-A Sash is worn.)

Class B – For Casual Occasions:

  • Troop 1705 or appropriate BSA T-Shirt
  • BSA Long or Short Pants
  • BSA Belt and Socks

On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country, and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.

Scout Oath (or Promise)

A Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent.

Scout Law

As an American, I will do my best to be clean in my outdoor manners; to be careful with fires; to be considerate in the outdoors; and to be conservation minded.

Scout Outdoor Code

Do a good turn daily.

Scout Slogan

Be Prepared.

Scout Motto

Your Support is Essential