Welcome to another great year of scouting with Troop 1705.
Attached is our annual newsletter with a lot of information of what lies ahead for our troop this year.
I wanted to let you know of a significant change this year for our troop.
Our troop is currently chartered with the Wass School PTO and our troop had been meeting at Wass School for over 40 years. Due to reported issues from the custodial service and latch key program to the Wass School Principal, Mr. Matt Jansen, over the last two years, we have been asked not to meet at Wass School this year.
Our hope is that moving to a new location, it will send a message to the scouts that they lost a privilege to meet at Wass based on the issues over the last two years and that we need to make changes in how we behave as guests in our meeting location.
We are currently investigating several locations as an alternative meeting place including Hill School and area churches.
As part of this move we are also planning on moving our meeting night from Mondays to Tuesdays based on the availabilities of the meeting locations.
Our first troop meeting is planned for Tuesday, Sept 10 beginning at 7 pm. Until we determine the meeting location I ask that you check your email daily for an email to announce our meeting location.
I also ask that you do NOT approach the Wass School leadership on their decision not to have us meet at Wass. What is done, it done and let us move on in a new chapter for our troop.
Also the election for Senior Patrol Leader WILL BE HELD ON — Tuesday, SEPT.10 at the troop meeting. The following qualifications MUST be met for anyone running for the Senior Patrol Leader’s office:
– Star or better in rank (if you are 1st Class, waiting for your BOR, you are eligible)
– Maintain “better than average” attendance at all troop functions
– Has read the Junior Leader Handbook and is prepared to accept all the duties
and responsibilities of the office
– Maintain a “C” or better average in school
– Have the permission of the Scoutmaster
– MUST attend a Troop JLT training session on Sept 28th.
All candidates for the job of Senior Patrol Leader are to contact Mr. Gustafson BEFORE Sept 3rd
BE PREPARED to personally meet with him for about 1 hour, to discuss with him your views, goals, choice of ASPL’s and expectations of the troop this year. BE PREPARED to discuss how you will perform your duties and responsibilities as outlined in the Junior Leader Handbook. Also, each candidate must be prepared at the Sept. 10th meeting to say to the Scouts in the troop WHY he feels qualified to be elected to the highest position of responsibility in the troop. This speech is not to be more than 2 minutes in length. Yes, this is YOUR campaign speech to the Troop. If you have any questions, give Mr. G a call.
Note: Call SOON for an appointment.
Stay tuned.
Yours in Scouting,
Mr. G