Upcoming Troop Meetings:
Tuesdays, April 15 and 22nd in preparation for April campout.
7 pm Hill School
Need Volunteers for Saturday, April 19, 9:30 am for Easter egg hunt
Serve as “egg hiders” for the Stoneridge II Easter Egg Hunt. The hunt is on Saturday, April 19 in Cliffside Park. Setup would be at 9:30 AM, with the hunt taking place at 10:30 AM. As in the past, the scouts would be able to share in the snacks and drinks provided.
Off of Cliffside (west side) between Highbury and Rutgers. Highbury is off of John R between Long Lake and Square lake.
Troop Campout for April
Friday, April 25, 5:45 through Sunday, April 27, noon.
Tent Camping at D-A
Permission slip attached. Please submit at troop meeting on Tuesday, April 22 along with money. ($10 to troop for reservation and $10 to patrol for food)
Troop Campout for May, Father/Son canoe trip (or Mother etc)
Friday, May 16 through Sunday, May 18
Tent Camping at Cole Canoe Base (near West Branch Michigan)
Each canoe must have one swimmer per canoe
Scouts who are 9th grade and older and first class and above with swimming merit badge also have the opportunity to go on an overnight canoe trip.
Details to follow
We are looking for an tentative headcount by next week April 22 to reserve canoes
Summer Camp July 12-19, D-A Scout Ranch
Booklets with camp information are available at troop meeting
Camp schedules are due April 29th
Check booklet for rest of due dates.
Mr. G.