Thank you to all of the volunteers at D-A Scout Ranch Riverside campsite work day clean up.
Adult and scout volunteers cleaned up the Riverside campsite on Saturday, May 10th. Volunteers spent the day on Saturday clearing leaves and tree debris from the camp site, placing wood chips on the path and in the fire pit area, trimming trail and road branches, fixing up ax yard and front gate and installing a view platform and stairs to the river.
Thank you for your time and talent for a job well done.
Troop Meeting Tuesday, May 13
- Troop meeting to prepare for the May 16-18 Campout
- Also for scouts to work on advancement.
Summer Camp Forms and payments Due
- Please have your scouts turn in their camp forms in at the Troop meeting.
- See Flier for forms and payment due dates.
- You can always turn in forms and payments early.
Mr. G