Eagle Scout Project Volunteers needed Sat, Feb 9, 10 @ Wass
Why: Here is an opportunity to get service hours for your next rank or to just do your good turn for the day.
What: John Marchese needs your assistance to pick up returnables to raise money for his project.
When/Where: Saturday, February 9, 10 am, Wass School
Klondike Campout D-A, February 22-24
Great opportunity to camp in the snow (camping merit badge requirement) and possibly earn the polar bear patch.
Permission slip attached with all the details.
Need Scout Volunteers to help out at the upcoming Cub Scout Blue & Gold Ceremonies
Tuesday, March 12, 6:30 pm, Wass Elementary, Pack 1708(Wass):
Need five scouts to help set up and take down props for Arrow of Light and Crossover Ceremonies and read points of the scout law for the crossover ceremony
Friday, March 15, 6:30 pm, Big Beaver Methodist Church, Pack 1705 (Hill):
Need five scouts to help set up and take down props for Arrow of Light and Crossover Ceremonies and read points of the scout law for the crossover ceremony
Sunday, March 17, Afternoon, First Methodist Church of Troy, Pack 1707(Troy Union):
Need Two scouts to receive new webelos during Crossover Ceremonies
TBD, Pack 269 (Sterling Heights):
Need five scouts to help set up and take down props for Arrow of Light and Crossover Ceremonies and read points of the scout law for the crossover ceremony