Happy New Year! / Troop Update


I hope you and your families have a healthy and enjoyable holiday season

Troop Calendar for Remainder of School year

Troop Calendar attached, double check you have the troop meetings and campouts on your home calendar

Campout Jan 24-26, D-A Klondike

Cabin camping but scouts will spend all day Saturday outside on the Klondike trail doing patrol activities

Permission slip attached, permissions slips and money are due Tuesday, Jan 21 at Troop meeting, no exceptions

Service Hours Opportunity/ Do a Good Turn Daily

The Larson PTO is having their annual Red Cross blood drive at the Larson Middle School, Troy, MI on Monday January 20th from 1:00 – 6:45.

The students have the day off due to the MLK Holiday.

The Red Cross is looking for 3 student volunteers to assist at the beginning of the blood drive from 12:45-3:00.

This would be a great service opportunity especially for those who need hours. We assume the duties will not be working with the blood but would be more administrative type help.

Yours in Scouting,

Mr. G

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