Reminder: D-A Work Day Saturday May 11, clean up of Riverside campsite
So far I have Mr. Rotermund, Mr. Baker, Mr. Perkins, Mr. G and 6 scouts who have volunteered so far.
We could use some additional Scouts and Adult volunteers . Bring a signed permission slip that I passed out at the troop meeting/ I will have extras if needed
Our Troop has adopted this camp site and therefore we clean up every spring.
Bring water bottle, rake, work gloves, work clothes
7:45 am Meet at Wass
8:00 Depart for Riverside campsite, D-A
Work at campsite 9 am to noon
Lunch @ noon at campsite
Work 12:30 -3:30 (depending on adults/ drivers availability)
Return to Troy by 4:30
Please sign up at Troop meeting tonight or reply to this email that you can volunteer and / or drive