Reminders from Mr. J


attached is the known attendance for summer camp. scout and adult. (2 sheets in the one file)

a line thru the scout’s name means he has already told us he is not attending.

I hope the issue is that most are waiting to the last minute to sign up (why I don’t know, but I hope that is the reason)

as I announced at last  night’s meeting and I am SURE your scout has given you the word….  if anyone has any issue with the dollars, contact me ASAP and we can work something out.

every scout should attend camp.  if money is the issue, we can be flexible but we need to know now so as not to incur the penalty.

money due for camp due next Monday.


2) Rendez-vous

SIGNUP FOR BEST PRICE is due next monday as well.   please consider this event.  in additiona to being our regular monthly outing in September, it is the 100year celebration of Boy Souting in America..

but to get the best price, you must commit now.


coming up June 14 … flier coming out soon. location = Jaycee park, on long lake, between john-r and Rochester.  eat at 6pm… troop COH followed by 2 Eagle Scout’s COH… bring a side dish.

troop supplies, hot dogs, bug, plates, silverware


mr j


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