PLEASE READ – important info about camp follows!!!!!!
Summer camp is less than 4 days away and this is just a little reminder letter to Be Prepared for camp. If you have ANY questions OR need to adjust forms, please contact me or Mr. Rotermund.
Remember, ALL scouts will have an opportunity to shoot (rifles and archery), swim, use the boats (based on your swimming ability) and ride horses. We have registered you for the classes you indicated on your schedule form. You will only be allowed to change those selections if there is an opening in the class you want to transfer into.
Remember to bring your Scout Handbook!!! You will need it for reference and to get requirements signed-off.
Tents: Practice setting up your tent at home with your tent partner before you get to camp.
Medicals: Each Scout’s medical form will be reviewed by a parent or guardian when the scout arrives on the first day of camp. If you are car-pooling, make sure that an adult in the vehicle has the authority to speak for you AND sign in your parent’s place.
Mail: FYI… if you mail a letter to your son after camp starts, experience has shown us he will NOT receive it until after camp is over. As odd as it sounds, I suggest writing letters and mailing before camp starts; the address is in your Scout’s summer camp book.
MB Pre-Requisites: BRING your pre-requsites AND blue card partial cards to camp. If fo some reason you did not have time to complete… OK… you still take the class, finish as many requirements as you can and complete the balance with a counselor in the city after camp.
Note: for those who need Tot’n Chip card, a class will be held Saturday night at camp.
The CPR requirement: For all waterfront MB’s the CPR requirement will be done at camp
All written work for MB’s must be completed in ink or printed by a computer.
GET the MB book. There you will find many detailed answers. Andrew Looka has the troop library. If we don’t have a book on your MB, get one at one of the council shops and consider donating it to the troop library when you are done. The copies in the Troy library should not be used. They are always far too out of date.
Remember to bring your mess kit AND your mesh bag. We will be using them again this year. If you are a “first time” Summer Camper, remember, you supply the plate, bowl and cup and the troop will supply the plastic silverware and the mesh bag. Also remember, no refrigeration is available at camp but bring a cooler anyway to keep food away from the “critters”. Remember your WATER BOTTLE and swamp shoes. Closed toed shoes are required at all times in camp. Remember one pair of long pants; you will need them for conservation project and horse riding. If you are participating in “Duct Tape” event, bring a roll of duct tape.
Finally, please do not arrive before 2:30pm on Saturday. Many things happen at the site before you arrive and we need the time to prepare. Eat lunch BEFORE arriving to camp.
You will get out of camp as many rewards as you prepare yourself for. If you don’t do the upfront work, do not expect to get the backend rewards.
The Leaders will Be Prepared to get the maximum out of camp…. WILL YOU????
See you on July 16th at Riverside!
Mr. J.,