Latest Troop Calendar attached (see bottom)
Court of Honor Monday, October 15, 7 pm, Wass School
– Troop Court of Honor:
- Scouts will be receiving all awards earned since June Court of Honor including summer camp merit badges & awards and ranks earned since June.
- Parent we strongly encourage you attend
- Roll out of Troop Fundraiser
– *Eagle Scout Court of Honor for James Baker*
Scout Dues $90 by October 15, $100 after October 15.
Campout October 19-21, Haunted Forest at D-A
– Permission Slips and money due October 15:
o Scouts will be receiving all awards earned since June Court of Honor including summer camp merit badges & awards and ranks earns.
o Parent we strongly encourage you attend
o Roll out of Troop Fundraiser
– If you ordered a T-shirt for the Haunted Forest,
money is due October 15
o $8.50 S-XL, $9.50 2XL-3XL